-PAGE 1- INSTRUCTIONS CODEMAKER-DISK --------------------------- If you do not know DOS or your programming language editor then you may want help using Turbo Template. Make a back-up copy of your Turbo Template disk. Never use the original. DOS command "Diskcopy a: a:". Turbo Template is designed to SAVE YOU, THE COLLEGE STUDENT, TIME. If you are not a college student "Don't worry, be happy." Turbo Template can still save you time. Turbo Template CodeMaker is designed for college students writing several homework programs. The CodeMaker section of the Turbo Template disk is tailored to speed up the process of producing those programs. First, Turbo Template encourages designing the homework program before writing the program code. You must first outline your homework program before Turbo Template CodeMaker can write a stub program. Second, Turbo Template then uses that outline to make a "stub program". A "stub program" is the skeleton version of the program you will write. I am going to use the term "subroutine". If you are programming in Pascal or C, replace "subroutine" with "procedure" or "function". All the subroutines Turbo Template writes are "dummy" subroutines, yet the program WILL actually COMPILE AND RUN. Turbo Template CodeMaker creates each dummy subroutine with a prompt to inform you when you are in that particular subroutine. You then fill in the blanks, so to speak. For a "top down" approach, you would start on the main section of the program and fill in the necessary code to complete that section. Usually the program can be tested at this beginning level. The main section would run and call the appropriate subroutines. You would then proceed to fill in those next called subroutines and test again. Continue this pattern until you have completed the homework program. Third, Turbo Template structures the program in the format that the compiler is going to require. In the "C" and "Pascal" language, the compiler is picky about the order in which the subroutines are placed. Fourth, Turbo Template is very happy to do a lot of the repetitive typing involved in making a program for your professor. Save the fingers from "Fingeritis". -PAGE 2- These instructions you are reading are NOT the Turbo Template Manual. These instructions are minimal instructions for getting the feel of Turbo Template. The Turbo Template Manual has more complete instructions and even some tutorials for stepping through the Turbo Template CodeMaker sections. To order the Turbo Template Manual select "Order" on the Turbo Template Main Menu . The Manual, Registration #, and Turbo Template up-to-date disk are only $15. Before running Turbo Template you must first design your program. Hours are lost in program writing due to lack of program design. Profanity is spit at innocent computers unjustly. Usually we are too anxious and jump right into coding. Later we wonder why the program took so long to develop. Algorithms are the key to saving time and writing workable programs. Save coding time? Yes, that's right, you will save valuable homework time by taking a pencil and paper and designing your program first. Save debugging time? A well designed program will save a programmer hours of bug chasing. Plus with a stub program you can debug as you go. Save mental block? You will have a stub program to build your program around and save yourself from "novice programmers' block". In all, you will be more productive if you will design your programs first. An algorithm is an outline to the steps it's going to take to solve a problem. If you do not understand algorithms, go back to the chapter in your textbooks and take the time to understand them. This will save you hours of headache (not to mention the innocent computer's feelings) during the rest of the semester. Your algorithm will act as an outline for the stub program you will build with Turbo Template. Each line will act as a subroutine and the description of the code within the subroutine. You may want to have a printed copy of these instructions for your first run through of Turbo Template. At the DOS prompt the print command is: "Copy Inst-TT.Txt prn". After you have designed your program, place the Turbo Template disk in the A drive. Type "A:" and press ENTER. At the DOS prompt then type "TTMenu" and press ENTER. Use the arrow keys to highlight "CodeMaker" section. -PAGE 3- Select your choice of programming languages and press ENTER. Turbo Template will now prompt you for your name, program name (if this is your first time enter "FirstTry"), Assignment #, Class, date. When Turbo Template CodeMaker prompts you for the outline enter something like this: Initialize PromptUser ( An example of an outline ) Calculate PrintResults Then press "F10". If you have not covered "subroutines" in your class yet, press "F10" without entering any lines in the outline section. Turbo Template CodeMaker will still make a program for you. Turbo Template will then ask you to select the type of program extras you would like included in your program. If this is your first time enter "Medium". Experiment with the other settings later. "KitchenSink" has an elaborate amount of extras. "Medium" is the most preferred. "BareBones" gives your program the bare necessities. Turbo Template will prompt you for a line character. Press ENTER for default character. Experiment with the other settings later. Turbo Template will now ask you for eight letters or less to name your program. This is not always the same as your program name. It is the name that will be written to the current drive and directory in which you are working. No extension is necessary. Turbo Template will automatically add a "Bas" extension to a Basic program as well as an extention for the other program languages. If this is your first time enter "FirstTry". You should now be back at the main menu and Turbo Template has successfully written a stub program for you. All you have to do is fill in the blanks, so to speak. Quit Turbo Template and enter "Dir" or "Dir/w" at the DOS prompt to see if the stub program is added to the directory. You now may want to place your program in the drive and directory where your programming language editor is located. Load your language editor then load your stub program and prepare to edit your newly created stub program. If you do not know how to do this read on. For more indepth instructions see the Turbo Template Manual. -PAGE 4- HOW TO LOAD EDITOR AND STUB PROGRAM For a generic description, I am supposing that the Turbo Template disk is in the "A" drive and GWBasic is on the "C" drive. If the stub program you created is in the "A" drive on your "Turbo Template" disc and your Basic language editor is on the "C" drive under the "Basic" directory, then the simple way of copying "FirstTry.Bas" would be to first change drives. To do this at the DOS prompt type in the drive letter and then a colon. "C:". You should now be in the "C" drive. The DOS prompt should no longer read "A" but "C". To change to the Basic directory one would now type in "CD\Basic" assuming that GWBasic is under the "Basic" directory and that the Basic directory is under the root "\" directory. If it is not, I can not help you with that. It could be in a thousand and one different places. If you have successfully found your language editor program, you are ready to copy the file from the Turbo Template disk still in drive "A". The DOS command would be "copy a:FirstTry.Bas". "FirstTry.Bas" stands for the program name with extension. If DOS didn't bark at you, enter "dir" and you should now see "FirstTry.Bas" included in the files on the "C" drive. Load your language editor. In Basic the command would most likely be "GWBasic" or "Basica" or "Basic". Now load your newly created stub program. In Basic the command is ' Load"FirstTry" '. You should now be ready to edit the stub program to your liking. If you do not know how to use a stub program, look up "stub programming" in your textbook, or better yet, order the Turbo Template Manual. The Turbo Template MANUAL has a tutorial that teaches you how to make a complete program. The tutorial will step you through designing the program, entering the outline, adding the code to the stub program, and finally running the code. If you do not have a Turbo Template Manual and a registered up-to-date disk then select "Order" on the Turbo Template Main Menu. ___________________________________________________________ | ___ ____ | | |\/| |_ |\/| | | | | | | |__ | | |__| | |_________________________________________________________| | TO: All Turbo Template V1.0 users. | | CONCERNING: Capabilities of V2.0. | |---------------------------------------------------------| | 1. V2.0 handles 100 program size (80 extra subroutines).| | 2. V2.0 includes a simple highlight menu maker. | | 3. V2.0 has an editor (word processor) for working on | | your newly created program without exiting Turbo | | Template. | | 4. V2.0 has a customizing feature: Would you like to | | customize the program header? Would you like to lay- | | out the subroutines to your specifications? V2.0 | | can customize your programs the way you want them. | | 5. V2.0 is not limited to the four V1.0 languages. | | Use V2.0 with any computer programing language. | | 6. With your feedback, V2.0 will continue to change | | and be updated to be the best it can be. | |---------------------------|-----------------------------| | DUE DATE: Early 1991 | FROM: KrikWare | |___________________________|_____________________________| For a printed copy of the Turbo Template disk Instructions, enter at the DOS prompt: "Copy Inst-tt.Txt prn". KrikWare P.O. Box 67205 Scotts Valley CA 95067-7205